This business is listed in the locksmiths section of the Smart Business Directory
- 020 8850 754
- london
- Other Pages: Lost Car Keys - Replacement Car Keys - Car Key Programming
- AutoLocks Ltd. are mobile auto locksmith company servicing the London, Kent, Essex, Surrey, Sussex and Hertfordshire areas. Offering both an emergency call out service and pre arranged appointments, AutoLocks technicians offer a full on site service, providing solutions to all car lock and car key issues.
Using state of the art machinery and diagnostics tools the side of the road service can offer car key replacement and repair, car lock repair, car opening, car key programming and much more, at any time, 24 hours a day.
Our service covers all major manufacturer makes and models. AutoLocks technicians have helped over 8,000 motorists, and have a response time as little as 30 minutes.
Our aim is to eliminate the need and the associated long wait times that come with revisiting car dealers for lost car keys, broken car keys, or faulty locks. AutoLocks can provide a thorough and professional service at an affordable price. - Also Listed In: locksmiths in Sidcup - london Business Directory - Sidcup Business Directory - locksmiths in london - locksmiths Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
Auto Locksmith
Lost Car Keys
Replacement Car Keys
Car Key Programming
Broken Car Keys

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