This business is listed in the massage therapists section of the Smart Business Directory
- 07891085281
- london
- Other Pages: - -
- Qualified Sports massage therapist in the Southwark area in London.
I am available every Tuesday at The Colombo Centre in Southwark, from 10am.
Please note that this is the only day that I have available to members of the public.
So if you looking for a great Sports massage in London with a respectable and experienced professional. Then this could be what you ve been looking for.
Kind regards
Luis - Also Listed In: massage-therapists in Southwark, London - london Business Directory - Southwark, London Business Directory - massage-therapists in london - massage-therapists Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
london, massage, sports massage, injuries, reabilitation
relaxation, jiu jitsu, mixed martial arts, boxing, runing
rugby, southwark, waterloo, south east, greater london.
great, football, recovery, centre, colombo, south bank.
amazing, best in london, results, always.

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