This business is listed in the computer software section of the Smart Business Directory
- 0115 8475210
- nottinghamshire
- Other Pages: Service Management Moftware - Stock Control - Order Processing & Stock Control for ACT!
- SAM Software Solutions provides I. T. and software development services for businesses. We are a Sage and Microsoft Partner and Developer.
We provide solutions that our customers can rely on to improve their business efficiency whilst being easy and economical to use.
Solutions range from, Service Management Software, Asset Management Software, Bespoke Software Development, Database design Development or Migration, e-Commerce, Website Link to Sage Accounts, Stock Control and Inventory Software,
ACT Order Processing.
Our engineers have a wide range of experience and are fully skilled in C#, Microsoft. NET, Microsoft Silverlight, ASP, PHP, SQL Server, Javascript, HTML, and XHTML. Our own off the shelf service management solution is built on C#, Silverlight and Microsoft SQL server. - Also Listed In: computer-software in Nottingham - nottinghamshire Business Directory - Nottingham Business Directory - computer-software in nottinghamshire - computer-software Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
Service Management Software
Stock Control
Order Processing
Room Booking
Asset Management Software

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