This business is listed in the Psychiatrists section of the Smart Business Directory
- 0121 3140330
- west-midlands
- Other Pages: The Oaktree Clinic, Homepage - Disorders we treat - Contact Us
- Private psychiatrists & Psychologists for assessment, treatment & ongoing care using most advanced medical treatments, talking therapies and counselling for people suffering from mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, sleep problems, eating disorders to name just a few.
We also have years of experience in medico-legal work, including assessments for court reports, employment matters etc. - Also Listed In: Psychiatrists- in Birmingham - west-midlands Business Directory - Birmingham Business Directory - Psychiatrists- in west-midlands - Psychiatrists- Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
Private psychiatrists
Private psychologists
talking therapy
Depression, anxiety, psychological trauma, sleep disorders
ADHD, CFS, eating disorders
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