This business is listed in the health and safety section of the Smart Business Directory
- 01244 550253
- flintshire
- Other Pages: fire warden training - Fire extinguisher training - Fire / health & safety CD Roms training
- EPS are a training provider based in Flintshire, North Wales offering a wide range of Fire Safety and Health & Safety training courses in order to ensure that your employees are conversant with Fire and safety procedures in the work environment.
We carry out your training requirements on your site with less down time for your employees & business.
Fire Safetyl safety training for business - Cheshire - North Wales, North West - Wirral - Merseyside
- Also Listed In: health-and-safety in Queensferry - flintshire Business Directory - Queensferry Business Directory - health-and-safety in flintshire - health-and-safety Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
fire marshall training north wales
fire extinguisher training cheshire
health & safety training wirral
Training CD Roms for business uk
fire risk assessment flintshire

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