This business is listed in the health and safety section of the Smart Business Directory
- 01833 690123
- county-durham
- Other Pages: Service Home Page - Fire Extinguishers - PAT Testing
- 999 Fire & Safety. Extinguisher Sales, Service, Hire and Pat Testing
999 Fire and Safety is an independent company, based in the North East. We specialise in the supply, servicing and hire of fire extinguishers.
We can offer fixed price solutions for you and your business with no hidden extras. Our services range from new fire extinguishers, to PAT testing.
For more details about our competitive pricing please contact us for a free, no obligation, quote. 01833 690 123 or 0740 74 74 999
- Also Listed In: health-and-safety in Barnard Castle - county-durham Business Directory - Barnard Castle Business Directory - health-and-safety in county-durham - health-and-safety Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
Extinguisher Service
Extinguisher Testing
Extinguisher Sales
PAT Testing

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