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- 01162160794
- leicestershire
- Other Pages: Leicester window cleaning - Leicester window cleaner - Leicester gutter cleaning
- Leicester Window Shine are premier Leicester window cleaners who provide swift and careful window cleaning to each of our customers. We strive to exceed our clients expectations whilst offering a safe, reliable and professional Leicester window cleaning service.
We use both water fed poles and traditional cleaning methods. Our water fed pole pure water cleaning offers our customers with clean windows, frames and sills whilst preventing damage to lawns and flower beds that ladders may sometime cause. However there are some occasions when more traditional methods are required or simply prefered by the client.
We offer a completely NO OBLIGATION quotation service and promise a relaxed and non pushy approach.
Call 0116 216 0794 or 0800 772 0751 to schedule your window cleaning in Leicester today. We are also able to offer a number of other services including gutter cleaning and washing as well as fascia's and soffits, please ask your Leicester Window cleaner for further details.
With over 10 years experience we take care of some of Leicestershire's best known buildings from large to small. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and reliability offering cleans to both the modest home owner up to the multi million pound commercial estates. All of our work is undertaken in line with the HSE working at height regulations for everybody's safety. We pride ourselves on offering a local Leicester window cleaner in Leicester for our clients.
- Also Listed In: other-tradesmen-services in Leicester - leicestershire Business Directory - Leicester Business Directory - other-tradesmen-services in leicestershire - other-tradesmen-services Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
leicester window cleaner
leicester window cleaning
window cleaning leicester
window cleaner leicester
gutter cleaning leicester

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