This business is listed in the Health and well being section of the Smart Business Directory
- 07852505192
- somerset
- Other Pages: Design Potential - -
- We offer a range of occupational therapy services along with home adaptations all within one company. We are based in the North Somerset and surrounding areas.
Please contact us if you think we can be of assistance.
As an Occupational Therapist, I work with people with all aspects of physical abilities, mental health difficulties, and the aging population, my aim is to enable people who are having difficulties with everyday tasks.
This could be anything from preparing a meal to getting in and out of bed safely.
I aim to enable those individuals to live independently in their homes and remain independent with work life, school or college. I aim to do this by providing professional advice and in turn recommending equipment and/or adaptions for the needs of that individual.
There is a means-tested Disabled Facilities Grant available and if you qualify for that I would be involved with you throughout the whole application process.
- Also Listed In: Health-and-well-being- in Weston-super-Mare - somerset Business Directory - Weston-super-Mare Business Directory - Health-and-well-being- in somerset - Health-and-well-being- Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
Occupational therapy
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