This business is listed in the handyman services section of the Smart Business Directory
- 07956413001
- city-of-edinburgh
- Other Pages: Ikea pax wardrobe assembly Edinburgh - flat pack assembly prices - gallery
- Flat pack assembly + Handyman service in Edinburgh and surrounding area.
Assembling all flat packed items from companies such as Ikea, Wayfair, Argos, Amazon, Ebay and similar websites and high street stores.
Handyman services include but are not limited to picture/curtain hanging, shelving, built in wardrobes and general joinery and electrical work. - Also Listed In: handyman-services in Balerno - city-of-edinburgh Business Directory - Balerno Business Directory - handyman-services in city-of-edinburgh - handyman-services Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
flat pack assembly Edinburgh
furniture builder edinburgh
furniture assembly service edinburgh
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