This business is listed in the legal section of the Smart Business Directory
- 02071931996
- london
- Regus, An Easy Visa Ltd 90 Long Acre, Covent Garden
- Other Pages: - -
- An Easy Visa Limited was incorporated and registered in England and Wales in 2008 and authorised and regulated by OISC and the registration No. is F200800003 at highest level 3. Some immigration lawyers are also granted a licensed Access licence by Bar Standard Board.
Our mission is to provide extensive expertise in helping our client to conduct the suitable and feasible immigration plan to relocate to the UK and also assist with in-country switching and extension applications till indefinite leave to remain application and then obtain British Citizenship. We have helped marriage visa clients to stay in London to enjoy their private life, and also Representative of overseas business to come to the UK to establish a business. and their extension continue do their business.
We assess your case, ensure you to meet the UK Immigration rules and submit only if it should be successful. We pride ourselves on providing outstanding personal customer service in order to guarantee all of our clients are 100% satisfied to choose our service with no regret.
- Also Listed In: legal in London - london Business Directory - London Business Directory - legal in london - legal Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
10 years long residency
spouse visa
Sponsor licence application
Indefinite Leave to remain
Skilled worker
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