This business is listed in the massage therapists section of the Smart Business Directory
- london
- Other Pages: Hip replacement tratment - Knee injury treatment - back pain treatment
- Physio Hub is the top physiotherapy clinic in North Dublin. Physio Hub has a team of experienced and dedicated physiotherapists who believe that a tailored exercise programme and quality care can accelerate any rehabilitation journey. They provide a range of treatments for every patient issue such as neck pain, shoulder pain, dry needling, sports massage, sports injuries, and much more. They also offer their services to help with a wide range of conditions such as sciatica, post-joint replacement, tennis elbow, pelvic health, blood pressure, Parkinson's, cancer, and so much more. Their highly trained physiotherapists can help you to recover from injury, reduce pain and stiffness, and increase mobility and movement throughout your life journey. Physio Hub is open 7 days a week to look after you. The physiotherapy clinic keeps up to date with the latest research to ensure the highest standards of care for every patient. Boom your free physiotherapy consultation online today.
- Also Listed In: massage-therapists in London - london Business Directory - London Business Directory - massage-therapists in london - massage-therapists Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
sports injuries

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