This business is listed in the locksmiths section of the Smart Business Directory
- 01708 545247
- essex
- Other Pages: Romford Locksmith - Brentwood Locksmith - Essex Locksmith Training
- Lock King is a rapidly growing company that puts its unrivalled growth solely down to positive word of mouth and recommendations. While the majority of work carried out is in residential properties, Lock King is the first port of call to a huge range of regular business customers from a major supermarket chain to local councils, to well established letting agencies.
Lock King primarily specialises in locks and double glazing repair, able to supply, fit and maintain both to the highest standard. The combination of expertise in locks and double glazing repairs makes Lock King the suitable choice. - Also Listed In: locksmiths in Romford - essex Business Directory - Romford Business Directory - locksmiths in essex - locksmiths Directory
- This business advertiser listed their business in these areas:
Locked Out
Emergency Locksmith
Lock Repairs

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